Cariche sociali

…dallo statuto

Art. 12
The Nobil Collegio of the Goldsmiths has one president and four counsellors who make up the Consiglio Direttivo and whose task is directing and managing the association. The members of the Consiglio Direttivo remain in charge for three social years and can be elected several times. They must be members of the association. In order to keep the traditions of the Nobil Collegio, the President also has the title of Console Camerlengo and the Counsellors have the title of Console. The Vice-President, elected among the members of the Cosiglio, has the title of Primo Console, according to the rule of Art.24 of the present Statute.

Art. 13
The Collegio Sindacale (The Board of Mayors) is composed by three effective members and by two substitutes.

Art. 14
The Collegio dei Probiviri (Probiviri Board) is composed by three members who can also be chosen among the honorary members.

Art. 15
Il Console Camerlengo, i Consoli, i Sindaci ed i Probiviri saranno eletti dall’Assemblea Generale dei soci. Articolo 36 Non sono eleggibili alla carica di Sindaco, o, se eletti decadono dall’Ufficio i parenti e gli affini dei componenti il Consiglio Direttivo sino al quarto grado e coloro che abbiano con il Nobil Collegio degli Orefici un rapporto continuativo di prestazione d’opera retribuita (art.2399 C.C.).

Triennium 2021– 2024

Consiglio Direttivo (Executing Council)

In the elective Assembly which took place the 31 May 2018 the votes to renew the social charges took to the constitution of the new organigram for the three years 2018-2021 which will be composed like this:

Consiglio Direttivo (Executing Council)
Console Camerlengo
Primo Console
Console Segretario (Secretary)
Console Conservatore Archivio Storico (Curator of the Historical Archive)
Console Tesoriere (Treasurer)
Collegio Sindacale (Board of Mayors)
Sindaco (Effective Mayor)
Sindaco (Effective Mayor)
Sindaco (Effective Mayor)
Collegio dei Probiviri (Probiviri Board)

Aldo Vitali
Riccardo Alfonsi
Valerio Sperati
Monica Erzel
Riccardo Menichini

Massimo Lefevre
Alessio Tinozzi
Giorgio Von Moss

Annunziata Crescenzi
Loenzo Buccellati
Piero De Stefano

Consiglio Direttivo (Executing Council)

Console Camerlengo
Aldo Vitali
Primo Console
Riccardo Alfonso
Console Segretario (Secretary)
Valerio Sperati
Console Conservatore Archivio Storico (Curator of the Historical Archive)
Monica Erzel
Console Tesoriere (Treasurer)
Riccardo Menichini

Collegio Sindacale (Board of Mayors)
Sindaco (Effective Mayor)
Massimo Lefevre
Sindaco (Effective Mayor)
Alessio Tinozzi
Sindaco (Effective Mayor)
Giorgio Von Moss

Collegio dei Probiviri (Probiviri Board)
Annunziata Crescenzi
Lorenzo Buccellati
Piero De Stefano

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