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To be mentioned, among the most important events organized by the Nobil Collegio of the Goldsmiths or to which it took part:

December 1981

Palazzo Braschi hosts the exhibition “L’Oro parla nel tempo” on ancient and modern jewels of the art of the goldsmiths. The exhibition takes place in the nine show rooms and is divided into three sections: the historical and religious section, represented by a wonderful collection of stamps and punches belonging to the Nobil Collegio of the Goldsmiths, the sacred section composed by several objects coming from the Vatican City and the section of the current jewel, which hosts the modern goldsmith production of Rome. The exhibition was aimed to generally promote the goldsmith art thanks to an important and echoed cultural event. Probably several thousands visitors crowded the exhibition.

November 1992

The exhibition “I Tesori di S. Pietroburgo”, which took place at the wonderful rooms of Castel S. Angelo, showed important jewels and both private and sacred appliances, coming from the Ethnographic Museum of the Russian Civilizations; the exhibition had more than twenty-thousand visitors. At the same time, inside the Church of S. Eligio, there was an exhibition of the roman handcraft production where some of the most significant pieces of the Treasure of S. Eligio were shown, starting from the Bust containing the relic of the Saint.

March 1993

F.A.I., the Found for the Italian Environment, organized, in partnership with the Nobil Collegio, the “Giornata FAI di Primavera” (Spring FAI Day). Only on this occasion, eight significant monuments of Rome opened to visitors: the church of S. Eligio was among them. The event had a good success because of the large number of visitors and because it improved the prestige of the monuments involved. Minister Ronchey, head of the Dicastero of Cultural and Environmental Goods, took the occasion to visit, together with the major FAI members in Rome, several important sites.

June 1998

The University and the Nobil Collegio of Goldsmiths, in partnership with the association of tradesmen of via Giulia, organized the first edition of the exhibition “S. Eligio Tesoro di via Giulia”, which took place in the Church. On the occasion, the historical and artistic antiques belonging to the Nobil Collegio, a rare good treasured at the Historical Archive, were shown to the public. In addition to the goods of the Nobil Collegio the exhibition also showed some jewels suggested by the members of the association as proof of such an important tradition as that of the Art of the Goldsmiths of Rome.

October 2004

The University was asked by F.A.I., the Found for the Italian Environment, to take part to the meeting on the Master Silversmith Giovanni Giardini and to show some important documents from the Historical Archive, including some original manuscripts of the XVII century. Several personalities took part to the meeting, organized during the event “Dietro le quinte della tua città” in major Italian cities; the president of the European Committee Romano Prodi to mention one.


Il BGC ( Bard Graduate Center ) di New York ospita la mostra “ Castellani e i gioielli archeologici italiani “ alla quale l’Università degli Orafi partecipa esponendo la “Pace”, unico esempio di oggetto eseguito con l’antica tecnica del niello dal famoso maestro orafo di fine ‘800 Fortunato Pio Castellani. Alla sua morte il figlio Augusto la donò all’Università in ricordo del padre che della stessa fu’ piu’ volte Camerlengo. La “Pace” è stata scelta, per la sua importanza storica, come apertura della manifestazione.

Università degli Orefici Via S. Eligio, 7 - 00186 - Roma - Tel. 06-6868260- Fax 06-6868260 - E-mail: info@universitadegliorefici.it
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